Welcome to Doomed in SPACE! The year is 2088. The UAC's current goal is to remove the line that separates men from machines. Certain undesirables...
As a huge fan of Joey's World tour, I just had to make this wad! Battle your way through 3 amazing levels filled with enemies that are foods that...
It's The Ultimate Doom... But smaller. Four one-map episodes, each "speed mapped" in 6-10 hours. Yes, my ambitions did get in the way a bit. Each...
Persephone is my first "Best of" episode, featuring 10 previously-released maps all in one modern package. MAP05 (The Leak) was subtly edited, SE...
A high-tech sequel to Catharsis. Sorta like how Quake II was to Quake. Pretty much better in every way. More detail, bunch of new stuff, etc.
Seven maps of ancient ruins and battlefields.
A weapon mod with 20 new weapons! (Numbers are weapon slots) 1-FastChainsaw 2-BFGPistol 2-Laser 6-Railgun 6-Multi_PulseRailgun 6-Railrifle 3-Doub...
I have too much time on my hands right now, so I decided to make fun of ol' Gamarra. I don't usually waste my time making fun of bad wads.
A wad I used as practice for mapping and scripting.