You and your cadres set out to embark unto the maps of doom! Adversaries are aware of reinforcements. May the Hindmost Creche (including the Pfho...
A weapon mod with 20 new weapons! (Numbers are weapon slots) 1-FastChainsaw 2-BFGPistol 2-Laser 6-Railgun 6-Multi_PulseRailgun 6-Railrifle 3-Doub...
Hitler's Nazi party didn't collapse - they live on in Hell. And now you get to deal with them as you plunge through Doom all over again with MP-4...
MDK Armory is a dumb weapon pack inspired by the ZDoom console command/cheat "mdk," which deals 10,000 damage to whatever you're pointing at. As ...
The third installment of the Friendly Cooperatives series with simulated players that have even better A.I. than the previous versions. Also this...
This is a patch WAD for Neodoom which replaces the Vixens with the infrequently used Cycloid Emporer enemies. Why? Because the Vixens are outrago...
Skins of most monsters from Custom Marathon Monsters project. Skins include most monsters from cultist forces. You can be either a Cultist A Rifl...
Taking a step away from Alandoguns and trying out something new.
In the vein of Immoral Conduct, this WAD is merely a gameplay hack that works with nearly any map. So long as said map doesn't have a DEH that ch...
I always liked the original "Batteries Not : Included," not just for its concept (energy : weapons only) but also for the unique designs : that I...
Hehe, just a random weaponset I cooked up one day. However, this one is designed for maximum compatibility, so it can be used on Skulltag as well...
Changes SS into Strife Soldier, and Dead Lost Soul into a Railgun shooting enforcer.
This is a Doom mod which replaces the Chaingun with the Uzi Submachine Gun from Shadow Warrior
Remember P0wer Weap0ns? Well, just the other day, I played TNT: the Lost Episode and found it WAY too hard. So I loaded it up with P0wer Weap0ns,...
A set of monsters in DECORATE, plus some NAZI wall textures and swastika-motif transporter pads. The wall textures implement all of the wall-nazi...
You and your cadres set out to embark unto the maps of doom! Adversaries are aware of reinforcements. May God be with you.
A ton of insane weapons. They are a bit overpowered, like in p0wer weap0ns, but they are also insane. :P
2 guns are better than 1 gun. So I've just made this for Doom. Weapons include alternate attacks for more fun.
You can call a friendly solders with a radio. It's war time! **New Friends -United States Marine Corps -Special Weapons And Tactics -Nazi Schutzs...
A spin-off of the Monster Resource WAD, this is a collection of DECORATE weapons created by the ZDoom community. Authors are allowed to freely us...
Grab your MagSeg pistol, your Napalm Cannon, your Ice Beam...and let's get crackin'!
The best weapons mod you'll ever see. Scroll down for more details.
A wad inspired by Valves awesome portal demo trailer.