The final WAD of the Break-in Quadrology! This is ranked EXPERT, making it quite difficult to complete.<br><br> This time, you are breaking into ...
Starting a (Late) new year with this. Hope it won't end up like somemap.wad. The second map is a wad you may be familiar, but did some updates an...
Christmas are very soon, but you still aren't in a Christmas mood? Well, try playing Doom with this! This probably won't help, but will still be ...
Remember P0wer Weap0ns? Well, just the other day, I played TNT: the Lost Episode and found it WAY too hard. So I loaded it up with P0wer Weap0ns,...
I do think title does a nice job of describing contents of this map. Basically, i got inspired by sum topic on Doomworld called "Map settings/the...
A spy recently sneaked into an earth UAC base and planted what can only be described as a Doomsday Machine, which has been making demons appear l...
*Story* You tried completing Doom II, but you failed miserably, so the marine corps sent you to a mysterious place called: The Hells Grammar Scho...
Uh-oh! It looks like Grandma's cookies has gone horribly wrong. This mod basically redecorates the Hellknight with some edits I've done and I mig...