It's clear to me that there are very few strife wads on /idgames, so I decided why not make a whole megawad of strife maps? Enjoy 20 levels of fu...
A deathmatch level with new weapons.
It's clear to me that there are very few strife wads on /idgames, so I decided why not make a strife wad? Enjoy a level of fun strife action!
Light Dasher, For Doom
A large single player level for Strife. Features an mp3 soundtrack written specifically for it (a high quality download of which can be found on ...
This is something new, a Strife wad! The Order has returned and has taken over your headquaters. Its up to you to stop them agian. NOTE: PLEASE S...
Tall skys for Doom or Ultimate Doom (sky1 to sky4) based on the banner image from the web site NewDoom. This wad is dedicated to the guys (and ga...
This is a slightly modified beta 1 release from 19/05/14. Current beta contains 13 dm maps and 2 ctf maps.
Another single-weapon replacement. as the name says, replaces the chaingun with the assault rifle. this is the strife version of my mod.
You wanted it, now you've got it, a 6 map hub for Strife. Requires a Zdoom compatible source port. A rough story? Well ok. Despite the main threa...
he's a merman hes insane he's from darkstalkers did i mention he is gay??????
You wondered though the wilderness, searching for food until you were spotted by an acolyte. The remains of the Order lurks within a small comple...