E1M1 replacement PWAD. Named for the colour of the exit room.
These 3 are gigantic levels...They really took some effort. -PLUS 3 deathmatch levels are included... Maps04 05 & 06.
A nice level with some ideas I had thought up. : Includes a movie theatre and lots of linedef : triggering functions.
Cornell University. This, I think, is : my 7th wad (some others include: COLONY, : CRESCENT, WHITROOM, SIXAREAS and PUREEVIL : (can't remember th...
Epizode consists of 6 levels. A lot of NEW TEXTURES, some new sounds. A lot of fun !!! Your mission is to find and explode The "Round of DEATH" -...
The town after earthquake... And the EVIL coms from underground... DEA??H comes !!!! =8-E~~~ Kill your enemy in the ruined town and under the gro...
A group of unruly colonists and their demon masters.
The idea for the layout is borrowed from STARWAR1.WAD by Matt Falk. In no way is this wad connected to any of the tremendous wads in the starwars...
A wad based on six separate areas that lead from a central room. The entrance to each area is marked by a number on the door. The level can be be...