A deathmatch level with new weapons.
A large single player level for Strife. Features an mp3 soundtrack written specifically for it (a high quality download of which can be found on ...
This is something new, a Strife wad! The Order has returned and has taken over your headquaters. Its up to you to stop them agian. NOTE: PLEASE S...
This is a slightly modified beta 1 release from 19/05/14. Current beta contains 13 dm maps and 2 ctf maps.
This wad is a compilation of the best, in my opinion, deathmatch maps for 2v2 Team Deathmatch. I gathered all these maps and made them work withi...
You wanted it, now you've got it, a 6 map hub for Strife. Requires a Zdoom compatible source port. A rough story? Well ok. Despite the main threa...
You wondered though the wilderness, searching for food until you were spotted by an acolyte. The remains of the Order lurks within a small comple...