Modifies the statusbar head slightly in order to make him not look like he's lost all his teeth when your health is low. Minor addition which is ...
you're inside a security place full of mutant but you need to Escape the place fast before the monsters kick your asshole so try your best to sec...
4.5 levels of single player action. Levels 2 and 3 should be good for deathmatch too.
You have hardly complete the yours last mission against stalks that you didn't know not even when your principal have called you and place trust ...
Here are some Metallica music for DOOM and DOOM II. Have fun.
"Do you believe in Rock 'n Roll? Then standup for what you believe in!"
The final WAD of the Break-in Quadrology! This is ranked EXPERT, making it quite difficult to complete.<br><br> This time, you are breaking into ...
Starting a (Late) new year with this. Hope it won't end up like somemap.wad. The second map is a wad you may be familiar, but did some updates an...