This is just a simple music wad for Knee Deep in Zdoom, as a soundtrack for KDIZD was promised but not delivered. All tracks are remixes of stand...
Selected music replacements for the original Doom Episode 2 (includes Title, Intermission, and Victory screens), personalized by the composer him...
Revalvicate - A complete Episode 1 music replacement wad with mostly original music from me. Covers E1M1 - E1M9, introduction, intermission and e...
This is a simple wad containing an Impulse Tracker module dumped from a music file from a Super Nintendo game, or a SPC file. I used a program ca...
This is the soundtrack of the snes version of doom Currently it only supports zdoom based sourceports i will do a mid version next, Try playing e...
Original music by Marc A. Pullen ([email protected]) Album Title : Doomed Released : 2016-08-04 (Aug 4) Where can I get the highest quality ...
A finnest Modular musics selection brought from my own collection and from CDs i have, listen it and told me what do you think about this thing.....
This is a WAD containing the music created by Sycraft but at a reduced : size for convenience. The music files inside the file are 80kbps stereo ...
HiFi music for ja_xmas.wad :O :O :O
This is a wad that replaces the music in Doom1 with the music from PSX Doom. To prevent the file size from becoming huge i had to decrease the qu...
With the release of Dimaension X's "Doom 2 Variations" tribute : to Bobby Prince's compositions for Doom 2, I quickly assembled : a workable PWAD...
An add-on for Harmony that adds 11 unique MIDI tracks to the levels, and an extra 3 for the title, intermission and ending. Simply run this with ...
This is my complete recreation of DOOM 1 and 2's soundtracks with some new additions and twists. Hope you all enjoy! ~DAR
A collection of 17 dark ambient songs I made myself, collected together for authors of horror mods to use as an alternative to the same old rips ...
Selected music replacements for the original Doom Episode 1 (Doom 2 MAP01-MAP09) personalized by the producer himself. E1M1 (MAP01) -- "Diesel En...
This wad contains the music for my Deathmatch wad "The Zodiac Deathmatch" (zodiac2e.wad). By loading it along with zodiac2e.wad, the MIDI-music w...
inspired by this: This mod takes the entire soundtrack of the first doom and replaces most instrument...