Ok, we don't have a story, but it is one heck of a level. We went with a high-tech futuristic motif, instead of a "Neat Mansion Motif" like our last level.
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Doom II
Doom II
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======================================================================= Title :Bonar6 Author :Nathan Ashcraft & Ethan Banks Email Address :Compuserve 75150,2005 Misc. Author Info :We're cool. Not to brag. We like White Zombie, Primus, and Jimi Hendrix. Also we recommend that you go buy every CD by all of these authors. Description :Ok, we don't have a story, but it is one heck of a level. We went with a high-tech futuristic motif, instead of a "Neat Mansion Motif" like our last level. Additional Credits To:Jim F. Flynn for being cool, giving advice, fixing our bugs, playtesting and anything else he did <G>.Cory McDonald for constantly playing our leveland for his "Neat Cowboy Hat Idea", you'll see.Sascha Noethen for multiplayer testing and showing interest in our levels. The makers of Waded, DCK, BSP, Wintex, and of course DOOM ][ for without their programs none of this would be possible. Helpful Hints :In the words of bankrupt people who burn down their boyfriend's houses and sing really bad "Don't chase WATERFALLS! Instead chase something a little slower moving like a lake or river. Oh yeah like chasing a lake or river is real smart. Go buy Klipschhorns today!! A great buy at $4,000 a pair. Drink plenty of CONTE!! If you have time please write MTV and tell the people on the Grind to stop line dancing. Nomo for president!! The Classics get it done! Long live the Sealion!! (Inside jokes, sorry about all this). Oh yeah, if you happen to find the secret that warps you to the switch room, don't leave and then just walk right back into the warp, if you do you will be stuck and have to clip out! ======================================================================= * Play Information * Episode and Level # :Map 01 Single Player :Yep, designed for this. Coperative2-4Player :No, Put them in if you want, it should be ok Deathmatch2-4Player :No, put them in if you want, we think it would suck Difficulty Settings :Of course, all 5! New Sounds :Yes, tons -- pay attention to SS soldiers advice! New Graphics :YES, they rule!! Cowboy Hats added to Lost Souls :Of course Demos Replaced :No, play for yourself! * Construction * Base :Scratch Build Time :100+ hours Editor(s) Used :Waded, DCK, BSP, Wintex Known Bugs :NONE * Copyright/Permisions * Authors May Not use this level as a base to build aditional levels. You May distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.