Dorks 'R Us: Graphics and Sound WAD, shareware version
The full version of this graphics and sound WAD will replace eight musics, 28 sounds, 1 weapon, 4 bad guys, and some other stuff. Every change I've made is s...
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================================================================= Title :Dorks 'R Us: Graphics and Sound WAD, shareware version Filename :SHDORK.WAD Author :Alex Bobbs Email Address :[email protected] Misc. Author info :I'm an aritst who makes WAD's for a hobby. My address is: Alex Bobbs 11911 Louise Ave. Granada Hills, CA 91344 Description :The full version of this graphics and sound WAD will replace eight musics, 28 sounds, 1 weapon, 4 bad guys, and some other stuff. Every change I've made is something totally demented and silly. (See complete list below) Contents: SHDORK.WAD The WAD itself DORKS.HHE A hacked .exe patch(ver. 1.3 only) DEUSF.EXE A tool you will need to use the sprites SHDORK.TXT You're reading it HHE.EXE Needed to implement .exe patch HHE.INI Needed to run HHE Full version preview stuff included: HERETIC09.GIF A screen shot of the Energizer Bunny HERETIC15.GIF A screen shot of Santa HERETIC17.GIF A screen shot of Rocky and Bullwinkle SNKDTH.WAV The doom trooper's death line:"I'm doomed" KGTDTH.WAV The Energizer Bunny's death line:"Should've used Duracell" Additional Credits : My brother, Philip Bobbs, for his energizer bunny artwork and voice clips. Also id software for the doom trooper artwork which I grabbed from the shareware version of DOOM. =================================================================== *Construction* Base :From scratch Editors Used :Deutex, Wintex, Paintbrush, Sound Recorder, TED, Creative Wave Studio, Paint Shop Pro. Known Bugs :It crashes when you run it on Episode 5 (the Stagnant Demense). ***INSTUCTIONS*** After unzipping, copy ALL files included in this zipped package to your HERETIC Directory. Whenever you want to play Dorks 'R Us, follow the following procedures: 1. Enter the HERETIC directory 2. Type "DeuSF -merge shdork.wad" and press enter 3. Type "Heretic" and press enter. The game will begin. 4. To restore Heretic to it's original state, type "DeuSF -restore" and press enter. If you have version 1.3, follow these instructions to use the .exe patch: 1. Run hhe.exe 2. Press l, and tell it to load dorks.hhe(IGNORE ERROR MESSAGES) 3. After it's done, press w 4. When you run Dorks 'R Us, type "herehack" instead of "heretic" HAVE FUN!!! *Copyright / Permissions* READ THIS CAREFULLY(It's worth a laugh): If you wish to keep this program, you must register it for $75 within 2 hours of installing it. If you do not wish to register it: After the 2 hour time limit, you must discontinue using it, erase it from your computer, destroy any disks it came on, delete any archival copies, sign an aggrement that you will never get a similar program, agree to the disclaimer and waurentee, E-mail a comments/suggestion letter to me, destroy any evidence that you ever had the program, and deny you ever got it. Furthermore, you may NEVER distribute this program AT ALL, and you may NEVER use any part of it for ANY of your own programming purposes. Should you break any of these rules, MY SPIES WILL SEE YOU AND KICK YOUR BUTT. Just kidding. THE TRUTH IS: Unlike most programmers, I am not in denial about the fact that you can all do what you please with my software without me knowing it. Therefore, I'm not going to pretend that I can stop you with any legal mumbo jumbo, but I would VERY MUCH appreciate it if: Credit is given when credit is due, and Please include this txt. file when distributing. IN FACT, PLEASE DISTRIBUTE! Give it to your friends! Give it to your relatives! Upload it onto your favorite FTP site! ***COMPLETE LIST OF CHANGES*** (starred entries are only available in the full version) New Musics :"Mission:Impossible", *the "Batman" theme, *"MacArthur Park", "Hold me, Thrill me, Kiss me, Kill me", "Begginner Skier"(by me) *"Plea for the Trix Rabbit" (by me), *"All blues", *?????? (mystery music, I really don't know what it is or how I got it, but it's really cool) New Voice Clips :GARGOYLE:"Ouch!", "Aww, man...", "Hee Hee Hee..." DOOM TROOPER:*"I'm doomed!",*"Doom Rules!", BARNEY:"I love you, you love me...", "You don't love me!", SANTA:*"Ho, ho ho... " *"You've been a very naughty boy this year.", SABRECLAW: *"Como Estás?" *"No es bien!", HERETIC:*"Man, this is bogus!", *"I HATE it when this happens", *"Cool!" ENERGIZER BUNNY: *"Should've used Duracell.",DRAGON:*"Man, is this guy heavy", DISPARIL:*"Naughty, Naughty", *"I regret that I have but one life to lose for my country", WIZARD:"Double, Double, toil and trouble", "I'm Melting!" MAULATAUR: "Will you be my friend?" New Sound FX :*DOOM Trooper footsteps, Whip cream, flying pies, "splatting" pies, *Energizer bunny drum, *switch, *dragonclaw shot. *Wand shot. New Scenery :Hollywood sign, *Graffiti:"OJ was here", *Graffiti: "Alex was here" (hey, that's me), *Campaign posters, "No heretics" sign, "Mortal Kombat", *Rocky and Bulwinkle stained glass window, "Red Rum"(the Shining), *happy faces, *rainbow walls, *Flourescent lights, *lampshades, circus barrels, *"Beware of Barney" signs. New Enemies :*The DOOM trooper, *The Energizer Bunny, Barney, *"Santa" stuff on Iron Lich. New Weapons :The BPG(Big Pie Gun): Fires cream pies and makes whip cream rain down on the enemies when you use the tome of power. It replaces the HELLSTAFF. Other Graphics :New title/loading/ending screens, Smily faces on health chain, Mustaches and glasses on stone beasts, New Menu header, New help/credit screens. .EXE Changes :Text changes: episodes, difficulty settings, BPG related stuff, end of episode 1(make sure to check it out) ***GET THE FULL VERSION*** Why settle for only some of the madness when you could have 3 times as much?! For only $5, you can get the full version of this great WAD directly from the programmer.There are two ways to receive it: 1. E-mail: Send $5 along with your E-mail address to my street address(see top of file). and I will E-mail the WAD to you. 2.Disk(recommended, as things do go wrong with file attachments): Send $5 along with a blank disk(1.44 MB) and your street address to my street address(see top of file) The disk will be mailed back to you with the WAD on it ASAP. ***COMING SOON*** MARIO 3-D The biggest, baddest, cartooniest, coolest, most complete HERETIC add-on ever!!! It's SUPER MARIO 3D!!! Use weapons like the fire finger and artifacts like the bomb-omb to battle koopas, hammer bros. and more in this spectacular WAD. RELEASE DATE(as of now): July '97 Will be available with purchase($10-$15) through mail or E-mail(shareware version may be released as well) ALIENS vs. HERETIC Now, you Heretic gamers won't have to miss out on Justin Fischer's Aliens-TC for DOOM, since I'm working on making this new version for Heretic. This WAD has been declared to be the best WAD for DOOM. RELEASE DATE: Sometime in the first half a 1997 Available FREE!!! But here's the catch, you must be a previous customer to receive it. ***OTHER IDEAS*** (Note: these are mere IDEAS that I haven't even started on, but you can still E-mail me to tell me which ideas you like best) A NASTY PRANK This is a small prank WAD. Merge it into your friends Heretic WAD and he go nuts attacking a an enemy who is actually his weapon! Will be available FREE!!! SHAKESPEAREAN HERETIC "To be... or not to be" A Heretic sound patch which will give the monsters and the Heretic a lot of Shakespearean lines. Will be available FREE!!! MENACES TO SOCIETY Battle OJ Simpson, the Unabomber, Bill Clinton, and other menaces to society in this graphics and sound WAD. Will be availble most likely at small cost(shareware version posible). Feel free to E-mail any comments, critisisms, or questions to me at: [email protected]

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GET THE FULL VERSION!! Heretic Startup v1.0 ▄ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ DORKS 'R US: Shareware version Loading Status ▄ █ █ █ █ █ █ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ 0% 50% 100% ▌ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ █ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ▐▄ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ READ SHDORK.TXT FOR IMPORTANT INFO Coming Soon: ▄ Mario 3D CREATED by ALEX BOBBS for HERETIC █ Copyright (C) 1994, ALEX BOBBS █ █ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ PREPARE TO BE DORKED... E-mail [email protected]