Fury 667
Lots of random ideas I tried to build into a realistic looking universe. I got the hang of aligning textures towards the end.
1.15 MB
WAD Type
Doom II
Doom II
MAP02, MAP03, MAP04, MAP05, MAP06, MAP07, MAP08, MAP09, MAP10, MAP11, MAP01
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Place the file "FURY667.WAD" in your DOOM2 directory Type: DOOM2 -FILE FURY667.WAD to play. Title: Fury 667 Filename: FURY667.WAD (DOOM ][ Levels) Author: Paul R. Bailey Email Address: [email protected] (Please write me if you enjoy these levels, I never get any mail.) Misc Author Info: 26 year old Army vet working as a mechanic with some background in architecture. Other WAD's by author: Yes, bunches and bunches much better than this WAD. I'll put together another bundle if this goes over well. Description: Lots of random ideas I tried to build into a realistic looking universe. I got the hang of aligning textures towards the end. ________________________________________________________________________ Play Information ________________________________________________________________________ Levels: Maps 1 thru 11 (DOOM][) Single Player: Yes, I designed it for a single player. Cooperative: Probably, I put the multiplayer starts in. Deathmatch: I guess so, I've only played Deathmatch once, so I'm not sure how it will work. I put Deathmatch starts in at least. Difficulty Settings: Yes, the higher the difficulty, the more enemies you will get. New Sounds: Yes, I added lots of wave files I found. I deleted most of the sounds that I usually use when I play. I thought that they might be too disturbing for some. Imps with bad cases of gastro-intestinal distress and the like. New Graphics: Yes, I put soda machines on every level. Dehacked Patch: What? I don't think so anyway. New Music: No, I toyed around with the idea but could not find anything I liked. Demos Replaced: Yes, all three. _______________________________________________________________________ Construction: ________________________________________________________________________ Base: New levels from scratch. Building Time: 43 years. Editors Used: Built all the levels with Waded. Used Wintex For sounds, graphics, and putting it all together into one neat package. Known Bugs: I don't know any bugs, I just smash them. Thanks: Thanks to Id for the wonderful game. Thanks to Matthew Ayres for wonderful Waded. Thanks to Olivier Montanuy for wonderful Wintex. Thanks to all authors of utilities I've used but forgotten. _______________________________________________________________________ Copyrights, Permissions __________________________________________________________________________ (C) 1995 Paul R Bailey Authors may use this WAD to build additional levels as long as FURY667.TXT and FURY667.WAD are included with no modifications. You may distribute this WAD in any format you like as long as you include FURY667.WAD and FURY667.TXT with no modifications.