A weapon mod with 20 new weapons! (Numbers are weapon slots) 1-FastChainsaw 2-BFGPistol 2-Laser 6-Railgun 6-Multi_PulseRailgun 6-Railrifle 3-Doub...
The third installment of the Friendly Cooperatives series with simulated players that have even better A.I. than the previous versions. Also this...
Taking a step away from Alandoguns and trying out something new.
In the vein of Immoral Conduct, this WAD is merely a gameplay hack that works with nearly any map. So long as said map doesn't have a DEH that ch...
Blood effects from Half-Life to be used on both Singleplayer and Multiplayer.
You can call a friendly solders with a radio. It's war time! **New Friends -United States Marine Corps -Special Weapons And Tactics -Nazi Schutzs...
Weapon wad coming back for redemtion.
Variety is always the best in games, in my opinion. After discovering the imp/dark imp variant packs on Realm667 and toying with them for a while...
ARGH SPIDERS! Is a mod for ZDoom which is all about those eight
After the release of a Plasma Pack by Protojo at the SkullTag Forums, It was highly requested for someone to make a "Rainbow Plasmagun that fired...
You know that crab enemy from Mega Man 9? Yeah, this has nothing to do with it. :P Crab is a weapon mod that isn't fully serious, and it's notabl...
This add-on enhances Doom, Doom 2 and Final Doom, evolving various features of it into something more interactive and visually interesting, via f...
Ever wanted to play as an imp in multiplayer? Now you can! This wad features an imp holding a sub-machinegun, the imp is also green to be compati...
An upgrade of the current Rocket Launcher, Plasma Rifle and BFG9000. The weapons are much improved.
A special patch made for Wildweasel's new version of his famous Diaz: The Last Hours of Purity mod (wwhcdiaz.zip) featuring all- human and mechan...
Some decorate marines I had made up, and really nice ones at that. And it also includes some assorted monsters, some of my creation.
I've seen a lot of allies doom wads out there but this one is unique, the allies are almost like bots: They can pickup objects, they can use diff...
This is a modification of "Beautiful Doom" by Jekyll Grim Payne. All of the things like shell casings, extra blood, and particle effects have bee...
It's the new and improved Divine Intervention. The old weapons, completely overhauled, plus eight new weapons including the bunny bomb, the shrin...
Marines that you can spawn to assist you when you are in a jam. Now with added features!
I thought that the old Dalek sprites from Doctor Who Doom were going to waste in that dusty old wad, so I took the sprites, edited and updated th...
This mod is a bit of a tech demo: It combines DeHackEd and DECORATE in a way that has never been see before.
This mod is a wad which pimps up the weapons rate of fires and projectile speeds.
A railgun that replaces the plasma gun in deathmatch (and single player)